What is Redux vs React

Redux vs Recoil: Choosing the right state management library for React Native Codemagic Blog

Redux takes a centralized approach, where state changes are managed in a central store. On the other hand, Context API deals with state changes on a components level, as they happen within each component. If you’re using Redux just to avoid passing props, you can switch to Context API instead.

  • It is wrapped up in a function which can later be called from an event.
  • It could also be that multiple, relatively unrelated components need access to the same state.
  • Thanks to the useContext hook, you can provide information to the global store in a bidirectional manner and in a somehow nicer and cleaner way than the old Context API.

Actions are events created with functions that return other actions called action creators. Actions send data to the store based on user interaction, internal events such as API calls, or form submissions. Actions are the only elements that can communicate directly with the store to retrieve information or update the state.

Logged in : User.state.loggedIn?’Yes’:’No’

You can now clearly see the difference between Redux and React Context through their implementations on our project. However, Redux is far from dead or be killed by React Context. Redux is such boilerplate and require a bunch of libraries.

Context API is easy to is use as it has a short learning curve. It requires less code, and because there’s no need of extra libraries, bundle sizes are reduced. why redux Redux on the other hand requires adding more libraries to the application bundle. The syntax is complex and extensive creating unnecessary work and complexity.


Moreover, Hooks are created with performance in mind by avoiding the creation of unnecessarily complex classes for specific tasks like state management. When a value in the properties is changed, React knows it needs to update the views of components that are connected to this state. Redux is an open-source JavaScript library used to manage application state. It was first introduced by Dan Abramov and Andrew Clark in 2015. Context is quickly implemented and offers a lower entry barrier.

What is Redux vs React

By renaming the function which add a new article to dispatch, we’ve now to update a little bit our AddArticle.js file. UseReducer accepts a reducer function with the initial state of our React app, and returns the current state, then dispatches a function. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to acknowledge that the performance of your application does not only depend on a state management library’s size and capabilities.

Consume the context

However, we can still improve it through another hook named useReducer. Now we’ve a context, however, we need to provide the context in order to consume it. To do that, we need to wrap our higher component with ArticleProvider and App.js might be the perfect one. Discover and share the exciting world of front-end web development to build stunning websites, apps, and services with cutting-edge technologies.

Then you can modify the state by implementing setUser with a new value for any of the fields in the object as follows. This article compares state management in React Hooks vs Redux. To use React Redux with React application, you need to install the below command. The presented content was written by our experts and is based on our company’s experiences.

What is Redux vs React